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Agri found dark red, Arka Kalyan

Planting time

October - November 


Seeds can be sown in nursery beds or pro-trays during September 6 to 8 week old feelings having 0.6-0.8 CM Cola Earth can be transplanted to the main field during October-November about 1500 to 2000 seedlings will be required two plants one cent area in the main field.

Planting material

24 g seeds / cent.

Fertilizer application

80 kg FYM or Compost 696 g Urea, 889 g Mussooriephos, 400 g Potash per cent.

basal dose : 348 g Urea, 889 g Mussooriephos, 200 g Potsh

One month after planting : 348 g Urea and 200 g Potsh


The crop will be ready for harvest 3.5 - 4 months after transplanting (February-March) when the bulbs are fully matured and 75% of leaves are dried off.