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It grows in moist and marshy areas in is used as a memory booster.

Planting materials

It is propagated vegetatively through vine cutting .Three nodded cuttings are used for planting.

planting method

The field is prepared by ploughing and shallow beds of about 5 cm deep are prepared to maintain the moist condition during the crop growth .2-3 nodded healthy disease free vine cuttings are planted at a spacing of 20 cm*20cm in the field.Apply FYM @10t/ha at the time of field preparation.


During crop growth wet condition should be maintained by providing irrigation.

weed control

Weeding should be done two times during their growth period .


The optimum stage for harvesting is 5 month after planting.Harvesting is done by uprooting the whole plant or by cutting the plant above ground levelReplantingis to be done if harvested by uprooting.When harvested by cutting regrowth takesplace from nodes above soil.Apply FYM after each harvest.Subsequent harvest can be done at 3 months interval.3 cuttings can be taken in a year depending on growth and can be countinued up tto 2 years after which it is replanted.The marketing is done in fresh form as well as after dryingdepening on fluctuation of price in the market.The dried material can be stored up to 6 months without damage in air tight containers.