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Aphids feed by sucking. They secrete honey dew which serves as the medium for sooty mould growth. While feeding, the aphids acquire bunchy top virus in a non persistant manner. The importance of this pest is not as a direct pest of banana but as a vector of virus diseases of banana.


  • Before planting spread lemon grass in the pit,(if available)
  • Apply cartap hydrochloride 4 G @ 25 g per plant, 20 days after planting. A second and third dose of the chemical are to be applied in the leaf axil @ 12.5.g each at 65 days and 165 days after planting.
  • Spray Verticillium lecanii to control aphid vectors @ 20 g or 5 ml /l at 25,65 and 165 days after planting . Where ever insecticides are applied 10 day gap should be given for biocontrol application.
  • Apply neemcake @ 1 kg in two equal splits at one and two months after planting.
  • Spray 2 % neem oil garlic emulsion directing the spray on leaf axil and base of the plant.
  • Predators of banana aphids include lady bird beetles (Symnus nubilus, Pseudaspidimerus circumflexa , Micraspes crocea, Menochilus sexmaculatus) Syrphids (Paragus serratus, Ascarina spp.) and a Hemerobid. Protect these natural enemies.