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  • The leaf lets in the outer wholes of leaves become yellow and spreads to the whole leaf and the leaves drooping down covering the stem.
  • Later, the inner whole leaves  also become yellow. Subsequently all the leaves droop, dry up and fall off, leaving the stem alone.
  • Then the stem also become bittle and easily broken by heavy wind.
  • The base of the stem shows brown discoloration and oozing of dark fluid.
  • Bracket shaped fructifications of the fungus called ‘anabe’ appears at the base of the trunk. Roots become discoloured, brittle and dried.
  • When infected trunk is cut brown discoloration can be seen up to one metre from ground level.



  • Clean cultivation
  • Destruction of infected trees and stumps
  • Maintaining optimal plant population without over crowding.
  • Providing good drainage facility and fertilizers and manures.
  • Digging trenches to avoid root contact from diseased to healthy.
  • Drench 1% Bordeaux mixture at frequent intervals.